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The Rabbit Handbook: Purchase, Care, and Breeding, Understanding Rabbit Behavior
by Karen S. Gendron Michele Earle-Bridges
(Barron’s, 2000)
140 pages
ISBN: 0764112465

To thrive, rabbits need to be properly housed and fed, and protected from diseases and parasites. Here is detailed advice on keeping and breeding healthy, contented rabbits. Titles in Barron’s popular Pet Handbooks series instruct pet owners on health care, proper feeding and housing, and other facts important to owners and their pets. All books in this series have high quality, full-color photos, instructive line drawings, and run to an average of approximately 140 pages

Taking Care of Your Rabbit: A Young Pet Owner’s Guide
by Helen Piers
(Barron’s, 1999)
32 pages
ISBN: 0812046978

Rabbits prefer certain kinds of food, and they’re most likely to thrive when they live in the right sort of hutch. Rabbits can also be tamed and turned into real friends. Children learn the facts they need to know about rabbits in this informative volume. Includes full-color photos.

Rabbits: A Complete Pet Owner’s Manual
by Monika Wegler
(Barron’s, 1999)
64 pages
ISBN: 0764109375

Filled with information and advice to help you take good care of your rabbit, this handy little books discusses the typical rabbit, including orgins, temperament, and life cycle; gives expert advice on selecting, feeding, health care, breeding, cages, and accessories; and helps you to understand your rabbit’s body and vocal language. Includes full-color photos.


Rabbit Handbook: Purchase, Care, and Breeding, Understanding Rabbit Behavior, Second Edition
by Karen S. Gendron and Michele Earle-Bridges
(Barron’s Educational Series, 2000)
144 pages
ISBN: 0764112465

To thrive, rabbits need to be properly housed and fed, and protected from diseases and parasites. Here is detailed advice on keeping and breeding healthy, contented rabbits. Veterinarian Karen Gendron instructs pet owners on health care, proper feeding and housing, and other facts important to owners and their pets. You will find a great chapter on medical issues as well as lots of tips for feeding, playing and correcting bad behaviors. The book has high quality, full-color photos and instructive line drawings.

Rabbit Handbook: A Family Guide to Buying, Keeping and Breeding
by David Taylor
(Sterling Publishing Company, Inc., 1999)
96 pages
ISBN: 0806978074

Veterinarian surgeon David Taylor reveals how to care for your rabbit, including an overview of the hare’s origins in Spain, identifying features of the various breeds, their behavior and biology, finding the right rabbit for you, good housing for longevity, and looking out for signs of illness. Interspersed throughout are “Did You Know?” sidebars featuring little-known facts about rabbits.

Rabbit Production, 8th Edition
by J. I. McNitt (Editor)
(Interstate Printers & Pub., 2000)
192 pages
ISBN: 0813431670

A team of four authors draw on their research and their practical experience raising rabbits to offer a guide for beginners and hobbyists and a reference for professionals. First they overview rabbits and rabbit production around the world. Then they consider practical matters such as breeds, equipment and housing, economics and financial management, feeds and feeding, diseases and health, reproduction (just stand back), welfare, producing various kinds of wool, meat, and marketing. A must-have book for rabbit breeders. Read the review of this book.

House Rabbit Handbook: How to Live with an Urban Rabbit
by Marinell Harriman
(Drollery Press 1995)
96 pages
ISBN: 0940920123

Packed with the collected wisdom of bunny-lovers and charming, candid photos of their pets, this manual tells readers how to successfully integrate a rabbit into one’s life. Harriman includes the latest in veterinary information and helpful how-to sections on care and feeding. 100 photos. Charts.

Lop Rabbits as Pets
by Sandy Crook
(TFH Publications, 1985)
192 pages
ISBN: 0866221379

An informative guide to raising and breeding rabbits. While this title focuses on Lop rabbits, it’s a good reference for raising any type of domestic rabbit. Read the review of this book.

Guide to Owning a Rabbit
by Anne Lindsay
(TFH Publications, 1997)
64 pages
ISBN: 0793821568

In this small guidebook, you will find all the information you need to get started in this hobby as a pet bunny owner. Includes full-color photos. Read the review of this book.

Encyclopedia of Pet Rabbits
by David Robinson
(TFH Publications, 1979)
320 pages
ISBN: 0876669119

This highly interesting and useful book blends practical, valuable advice about the food, health, housing, and breeding of rabbits with a large selection of color photos showing many different breeds in many color variations. Read the review of this book.

Your Rabbit: A Kid’s Guide to Raising and Showing
by Nancy Searle
(Storey Communications, Inc., 1992)
160 pages
ISBN: 088266767X

Beginning with how to choose a breed and purchase a rabbit, this easy-to-read book explains how to handle, house, feed, groom, and breed rabbits, and gives advice on birthing, preventive health care, and tending sick animals. It also give pointers on how to prepare to show rabbits. While is designed for younger readers, Your Rabbit is a good resource for all ages. Read the review of this book.

Build Rabbit Housing
by Bob Bennett
(Storey Communications, Inc., 1982)
31 pages
ISBN: 0882662961

This handy little guide offers practical, hands-on instructions for building cages and hutches for rabbits quickly and easily.

Raising Rabbits the Modern Way
by Bob Bennett
(Storey Communications, Inc., 1987)
192 pages
ISBN: 0882664794

This book contains how-to information for successfully raising rabbits on a small to semicommercial scale, including information on feeding, housing, medication, breeding, showing, and selling. You’ll find coverage of all the basics of raising rabbits, as well as experienced solutions and modern techniques, from inspecting the litter to ARBA registration system. A must-have title for anyone with a rabbitry.

Why Does My Rabbit…?
by Anne McBride
(Souvenier Press Limited, 2000)
208 pages
ISBN: 0285635506

This guide to troubleshooting rabbit behavior clues owners in to the history of the domesticated rabbit and describes how rabbits live and breed. Common problems among rabbit owners are discussed, as are probable causes for irregular behavior, including instincts that make rabbits behave in certain ways. Both hutch and house rabbits, as well as troubles specific to each, are covered.

Diseases of Domestic Rabbits, 2nd Ed.
by Lieve Okerman
(Blackwell Science, 1996)
152 pages
ISBN: 0632038047

This definitive textbook is one of the best resources for rabbit breeders. It spans the variety of diseases and disorders that can affect the domestic rabbit, including causes, symptoms, and treatment (surgery, medication, and feeding). Sections on autopsies, inherited health problems, breeding issues, feeding for good health, rabbit hygiene, and euthanasia round out the book.

Aspca Pet Care Guides for Kids: Rabbit
by Mark Evans
40 pages
ISBN: 1564581284

This title in the ASPCA Pet Care Guides for Kids series discusses choosing and caring for a rabbit. The book presents information on physical features as well as feeding, grooming, and exercising. Grades three to five.

Dwarf Rabbits
by Monika Wegler
(Barron’s, 1997)
127 pages
ISBN: 0812066006

Learn how to distinguish purebred dwarf rabbits from mixed breeds when purchasing kits, plus find information on caging, the advisability of letting rabbits range free throughout the house, and teaching children to handle these pets safely. Readers will also learn about breeding, feeding, safety, and detecting health problems.

Hop to It: A Guide to Training Your Pet Rabbit
by Samantha Fraser
(Barron’s, 1991)
79 pages
ISBN: 0812045513

Here’s everything you’ve always wanted to know about winning your pet rabbit’s trust and developing paths of communication between you. Samantha Hunter stresses the importance of understanding rabbits’ body language and behavior, exchanging signals you can both understand, and training rabbits. Illustrated with more than 50 full-color photos.

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